Online Courses and Schools

As your students get older and study more difficult subject matter, you may think you have to enroll your student in school because you cannot teach upper level courses. I understand how you feel, but there are a variety of options now that you can feel confident that your teen can get a great education from top quality teachers and programs.

Not to the junior high/high school level yet, but need options? Some of you may have circumstances where you need some help with classes. There are several programs that offer distance learning throughout a child’s academic career.

Here is a sampling of what is available. There are many more classes and programs from which to choose. I hope at least one of them I listed will meet your needs.

Online Classes

Mathematics, Science I just found out about Think Well.  A mom who I know had her two daughters complete courses in mathematics. She said the girls enjoyed the classes and  both of them are in college now. To preview, click here

Composition Write at Home provides writing coaches for middle school and high school students. Online writing courses are offered or you can pay for individual papers to be graded. Teachers provide helpful feedback for your student. Click here to view the demo.

Latin, Greek, Ancient History, Art and Architecture I had the privilege to be in a co-op with Regan and Amy Barr several years ago. They have been  teaching interactive online classes since 2005 and my son and I took the Imperial Murder Mystery eons ago. (Sorry for the bad joke, I couldn’t help it!) Class offerings are for students ages 10 and older. Lukeion Project

Free College Online Courses There are over 500 courses here!  I saw several I would like to take myself. 🙂 Open Culture

Kahn Academy Here is the mission statement of Kahn Academy: “With over 3,200 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, they are there to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.”

The Potter’s School “integrates academic scholarship and biblical worldview to prepare students for college, career, and life.” I know two of the tutors that are on staff and they are excellent. If you look at the list of tutors you will see they are an international group and have interesting fields of expertise. Your student can take honors classes and receive a diploma that is accredited. tps

Bob Jones Distance Learning You can choose several options for the courses you take through Bob Jones: online; hard drive, or DVD. I know several families who chose this option for their students and many have enjoyed using the program. bjuonline

ABeka Academy is a distance leaning program for gradesK-12. I have a friend whose first grade daughter LOVED her teacher. She sent her a Christmas card and the teacher sent her a thank you note. They are planning on taking a vacation this year to Pensacola, Florida where the school is located in order for her to meet her teacher. What a huge endorsement for this program! ABeka

K12 is a program that your student is enrolled in and you are not actually “homeschooling”. Families sometimes find themselves in a situation where they cannot teach the classes themselves, but sending your student is not an option either. This program offers a viable option for that type of circumstance. Online classes are for students grades K-12 and you can choose from public, private schools  or individual classes. click here

If you have found a program you have used and like please post a comment for others to investigate. Have you used one of the programs that I have written about and would like to share about your experience? Please do so as your insight can help others make a better informed decision. Have a great day!


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